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Parenting Pearls 2023

               Top 3 things to know NOW about your child's well-being:


  1.  Screen-Time Can Scar:
      Over 1 hour per day of screen-time (TV, Phone, Computer), beginning in infancy correlated to   permanent changes in the brain (on EEG) by the age of 18 months.  These EEG changes directly     correlated to problems with attention and executive function all the way through 10 years of age   (where the study ended).


  1.  Marijuana Masquerades (as a harmless drug):
    Far from harmless, MJ is addictive and has proven to be a gateway drug.  If you want to increase your child’s chances of using heroin/hard drugs, psychosis, depression, anxiety, suicide, schizophrenia, and permanent loss of IQ, then let them believe MJ is an acceptable form of recreation.  These effects are especially true for the developing (Teen) brain.


  1.  One Pill can Kill:
    If your kids are in Jr High or older, Inform them NOW of the danger of death that could result from a single bad decision to take an illegitimate pill.  Fentanyl now laces a huge percentage of “street pills” in our society (60%).  A single small pill, made to look harmless and like a legitimate prescription medication, may have a lethal dose of fentanyl.  

Don't Delay Scheduling Physicals/ Wellness Check-ups

     Schedule your sports and school physicals or well child checks early during the summer months. The months of July and August book quickly and the summer months will be over before you know it. Scheduling your appointments for June will make back your back to school to do list easier to manage. Many sports require a doctor's signature for participation. An annual wellness check will allow our office to complete the sports physicals forms for you without an additional appointment. We can also complete camp forms, day care forms and other school forms when your child is up to date on their wellness checks. Our office staff can quickly locate your child's last well check and assist you in scheduling a time that works for your schedule.


Vaccine Schedule (last updated 1-1-2019)

     Cornerstone Pediatrics vaccination schedule.                                       click to expand


Prompt Pay Pricing (last updated 2-8-2022)                                             click to expand

     Cornerstone Pediatrics is proud to offer self pay pricing to patients without insurance coverage. We know that budgeting healthcare for your child is important and want to be able to provide you with an informative choice for the cost of that healthcare. 


Flu Immunizations (last updated 9-10-2024)                                             click to expand

     Flu immunization is an excellent way to help protect your child against the influenza virus. If your child is up to date on their annual wellness check, we can provide a quick and easy nurse visit for a flu immunization when they arrive. If your child is in need of their annual wellness check, we can provide a flu immunization for your child during that wellness visit. Flu immunizations are currently available and recommended for ages 6 months and older. Be sure to check with our office staff for an appointment time. Flu vaccination is an important prevention to keep your child healthy and in school. You may contact our office at any time for the most up to date arrival and in stock information. Get your child's flu vaccination before influenza arrives in your child's school and community.


How to Have a Healthy Family Table                                                       click to expand

     Research has revealed many benefits for family members (parents and children) who eat meals together on a regular basis. These benefits include healthier eating habits, less obesity, better family communication, fewere behavioral problems, less television watching, less stress, better school performance, and a lower risk of drug abuse. The following suggestions will help you create a healthy family table in your home. 


Bicycle Safety                                                                                            click to expand

     Dear Parent, Your child is old enough to start learning how to prevent injuries. Be a good example - wear your helmet! It takes time to form a safety habit. Teach and continually remind your child about these safety messages. Make safety a big part of your life.


Summertime Safety                                                                                    click to expand

     The weather is getting warmer, pools are opening for the season, and schools are letting out. All this combines to increased outdoor time for children and their families. Keep these otudoor safety tips in mind to ensure your summer is a safe and pleasant one.


Car Safety Seats                                                                                         click to expand

     One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car safety seats helps keep children safe. But with so many different car safety seats on the market, it's no wonder many parents find this overwhelming.

The type of seat your child needs depends on several things including your child's size and type of vehicle you have. To be sure your child is using the most appropriate seat, read on.



Contact Us

Cornerstone Pediatrics

1929 Fort Worth Hwy

Weatherford, Texas 76086


Fax 817-599-8822

From the reception area to the colorful accent walls, Cornerstone Pediatrics has been designed to feel like an extension of your home.

Cornerstone Pediatrics is the office that you will want to visit and your child will not want to leave!


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