Difficulty Breathing

Difficult or labored breathing is also know as respiratory distress. Apneic (no breathing for greater than 15 seconds) episodes are included. Mild respiratory distress in usually manifested by rapid respiratory rate, mild stridor or wheezing. Moderate respiratory distress is marked by labored breathing with some retractions and nasal flaring. Severe respiratory distress is marked by the extremes of slow, weak breathing or struggling to breathe with severe retratctions. Breathing may stop.

Reason to Have Your Child Seen

We would want your child to be seen immediately if struggling for breath, difficulty speaking or crying, grunting noises, breathing has stopped, slow, shallow or weak breathing, bluish color to lips, choked on something, very sleepy, can't think clearly or sounds weak. Depending upon the situation we may want you to call 911.

Reasons to seek medical assistance:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Mild respiratory distress
  • Breathing stopped but returned to normal in less than 15 seconds
  • Hyperventilation attack


Breathing Noisy


Breathing is normally a quiet process. Noisy breathing is due to vibrations set up somewhere in the airway (nose, throat, vocal cords, windpipe, bronchi or lungs).


Serious Causes


  • Asthma Attack: Previously diagnoses of asthma, asthmatic bronchitis or reactive airway disease or treated in past with asthma inhaler or nebulizer.
  • Wheezing: A high-pitched purring or whistling sound produced during breathing out.
  • Stridor: A harsh, raspy, low-pitched sound on breathing in and associated with a tight, hoarse, seal-like, barky cough. 


Minor Causes


Rattling Sounds: Rattling sounds are due to vibrations from mucus pooling in the lower throat or larynx (not the lungs). Those gurgling sounds can be eliminated by coughing or swallowing. Temporarily placing you child on his or her stomach while watching over them often helps.


Snorting sounds: Most of these daytime sounds are from vibrations in the nose, usually partial blockage by nasal mucus. If the snorting makes your child uncomfortable, the problem can be helped by warm water or plain saline nose drops and nasal suction also called nasal toilet. Nasal toilet - add 2-3 saline drops in each nostril prior to suctioning. Saline drops will help loosen the mucus assissting with clearing secretions out of the nose. Saline drops can be bought over-the-counter or can be made by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to one cup of room temperature water. Avoid using decongestants.


Snoring: Nightly snoring sounds can be caused by partial obstruction of the nose or throat during sleep. The most common cause in children is large tonsils and a large adenoid. If the snoring interferes with sleep, make an appointment for us to see your child. 

If you have any concerns about your baby's health, please call. This Website is meant to be a guideline, not a substitute for the care of a competent health care provider. Please do not give any medicines without talking to your doctor first. We are happy to help you in any way we can. 


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